
Multi-Colored Dreams.

As seen on Beyonce in September's issue of InStyle magazine

VMA Fashion Recap.

The Twitter world was buzzing last night with constant updates about MTV's Video Music Awards. 

Highlights of the night included Beyonce's introduction of her baby bump, Gaga as Jo Calderone, & Adele's 1st VMA performance which showcased her amazing vocals. 

This year celebs sashayed across a black carpet to show off their threads for the evening, and as usual there were some hits & some inevitable misses. 

Here are a few looks from last night that I loved, liked & could have done without with.


Beyonce; in Lanvin

In Falguni & Shane Peacock & Christian Louboutin 
can't stress how much I LOVE, LOVE, LOVEE  Kelly's dress!

 Demi Lovato; in Mandalay

Beyonce [performance look]

& last but of course not least....
Gaga aka Jo Calderone

Kim Kardashian 
Everyone knows I love Kim K. but this dress of hers was not a usual fave of mine.
However from the neck up she's gorge as usual.
 Jojo; in Marco Marco

...Could Have Done Without 

Selena Gomez 
[On the cusp of like & dislike..]
This Julien MacDonald gown, though beautiful, is a little too much for her small frame. I understand the edginess she was going for, but I'm not into it.

Nicki Minaj
I'm ALL for self expression, but seriously Nicki this is Harajuku'd out! 
Call the Harajuku Lover Gwen Stefani for better tips!

 Katy Perry; in Versace & Jimmy Choo
Another woman who I like but I'm not a fan of this "Polynesian Pin-Up" look.  

I'm still confused on how this girl got to the VMA's, but this 'fit has me even more confused. 
& tell Sha-Naynay I said hey next time she does your hair.

[all images are property of MTV & Getty Images]   

 Perhaps next year's VMA's will be more entertaining & have more surprises. 


Fall into It.

With the dog days of summer almost over & fall quickly approaching, what better then a good shoe to step into the season with? The other day I ventured into Old Navy & rather surprisingly I ran into these babies. A sueded bootie with a rubber wedge? A match made in soles heaven! The bootie comes in three lovely fall-esq colors; Camel, Grey & Olive Green, and will fit almost any look. 

Last but not least the price is right plus they are on sale now!
(sale prices vary, in-store ONLY)

Wedge Into Em'
$36.10 - Old Navy



Welcome Back or Back Welcome?

So after writing a long spiel on how I was re-insipired to blog & a few posts; I went M.I.A again. 

What happened you ask? LIFE! This is the usual excuse.

I graduated college in May & have since been looking for employment & trying to enjoy my time off. Its been a good summer so far, got to catch up with friends & family, make up for much lost quality time with my boyfriend & also enjoy things I've had NO time to do in almost a year. Its been pretty lovely, despite the daunting reality of being a college grad & searching for a job amongst millions of others. 
Things shall be okay & will work out with time, only the lucky ones get dream jobs straight out of college.

Now about this blog...
I vow to start posting again, ranting about fashion & such. I want to change up a few things as well, so just stick with me during my "reconstruction phase" & I hope to excite you! Don't hesitate to follow me on Twitter in the meantime for my randomness - @VanitySixx.
