
Welcome Back or Back Welcome?

So after writing a long spiel on how I was re-insipired to blog & a few posts; I went M.I.A again. 

What happened you ask? LIFE! This is the usual excuse.

I graduated college in May & have since been looking for employment & trying to enjoy my time off. Its been a good summer so far, got to catch up with friends & family, make up for much lost quality time with my boyfriend & also enjoy things I've had NO time to do in almost a year. Its been pretty lovely, despite the daunting reality of being a college grad & searching for a job amongst millions of others. 
Things shall be okay & will work out with time, only the lucky ones get dream jobs straight out of college.

Now about this blog...
I vow to start posting again, ranting about fashion & such. I want to change up a few things as well, so just stick with me during my "reconstruction phase" & I hope to excite you! Don't hesitate to follow me on Twitter in the meantime for my randomness - @VanitySixx.


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