
Alas, the Light is Back On.

Its been a long time, since I left you without a strong blog to read to...

So whats the excuse for my absence? Well, many things - life, inspiration, COLLEGE, socializing, personal issues - i could go on. But anyway all these draining things have come to play in my world & sadly my Diamond in the Rough got "rough" on postings.
But I'm back.
Alas inspiration has filled my wavy head, for now, & I feel blogging with again become my friend, my platform to expose myself, to be creative, to generate attention, to speak to friends, meet new ones, whatevah *Rose Perez voice*, I just feel the need to re-express myself & just blog again.

Today a speaker visited my college, her name is Michaela Angela Davis, stylist to the stars (her roster includes Puffy, Oprah, The "Donald" (Trump), & so on, she's a former editor at Vibe & Honey Magazine, she's worked with Essence - not to mention has been mentored by Susan Taylor! - and she is currently working with BET with their current re-branding project. This woman has a golden resume, along with a beautiful golden 'fro to match, yet she was more interested in our words than speaking about her own journey. Michaela told us that during her first meeting with Susan Taylor, she talked with her about her accomplishments - which included a box featured  in VOGUE & Susan said to her, "Well that's beyond amazing but...what are your doing for your people?" As an African American women that struck me, yes I know that advancing does not always mean directly reaching out to MY people per say, but I would love to make an impression on MY people. Michaela then talked about various topics including her times as an assistant to her aunt who was an editor at Vogue, the 80's Hip Hop culture in NYC, the degradation of women in Rap music, & her work in the industry concerning women's movements. She also spoke on the misrepresentation of Black women on television because the only television that we're on is "reality TV", sadly its the only platform that we (as an African American woman) have right now. Producers want us to act like fools, audiences want to see the Basketball Wives that aren't wives fight over food stamps, audiences want to see us fight over Flavor Flav's busted ass, but yet Whitney & Lauren get to star on "The Hills" and have major creative opportunities but we have to be presented to the world as ghetto hot girls on reality TV or mammy types helping our spunky friends on sitcom television. Its crazy because though I personally would love to see myself represented on a Hills like show - which I have been an intern & its nothing like The Hills at all - but unfortunately people don't demand  reality television like that and its sad. Michaela told us to use our resources to our advantage, instead of looking for old boo's on Facebook and Twitter use it to connect with people, voice important opinions, & demand that we see television of substansial caliber, she admitted herself it may sound cliche but shes absolutely right!! Among other things she left us with three rules to live/grow by;

1. Don't be the angry Black woman/man be HAPPY or GET HAPPY - as society expects us to be finger snappin' & head rollin' we need to prove them wrong & let our accomplishments outshine the negativity that stereotypes us. And the weights of anger that we carry  and we don't have to, she told us to talk to someone, get help, "get on that couch" & LET IT GO in order to get happy & move on to grow in life.

2. Stick together, be each others Support System - as young people we can't get together only when needed we have to have friends & if we grow we can't leave them blowing in the wind. We have to stick together, be each others support system even down to something as simple as venting to a friend at the end of a long day.

3. GET TO WORK! - McKayla told us that if we want to succeed in the entertainment industry we have to hustle hard (no pun intended to Ricky Ross), that we have to grind. We can't come in thinking a job is too minuscule we can't have the attitude that we're too good for something; we have to put in and pay our dues.

And with that inspiration began boiling.
Her attitude was so humble, she was thanking us for being there, for staying beyond the 2hour time frame. She even uses her Facebook & Twitter to reach out, to share conversations with others which is so smart & real. Honestly its nice to know that there are real people left in the fashion/entertainment industry and not snotty robots only looking out for self and no one else. It was a much needed boost for me. I appreciated her words, her honesty, & most of all after all of her endeavours her continued genuine interest in the entertainment industry and the newbies entering it.

Not to ramble but I turnt my light back on, I said to myself that maybe I may not be Lauren or Whitney but I will be heard. Blogging can be my platform & my form of growth. So I shall re-begin my blogging rants, I hope that I am able to catch and maintain your interests.

Times up, sorry I left you.


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