
Underwear as Outerwear.

Lace has gone from the bedroom to the dance floor to even the college classroom as a vital piece of a young woman's wardrobe in the form of full bloom lace tees, tanks & leggings. Recently the bandeau top [the tube shaped top that covers the "goodies] has re-arisen from a layering under piece to outerwear. With the fashion world transforming the bandeau from basic black to neon colors to jeweled & sequined pieces of bedazzled greatness. Lately I've been toying with the idea of taking on the undies as outies look, but in a classy way of course.

Forever 21, the budget fashionista's other best friend, has a few intimate pieces that I would love to try as outerwear. Possibly pairing these bra corsets with a simple black blazer, a pair of high waist leggings, jeans or (my fave) body-con skirts & of course a killer heel - or wedge.

Forever 21 - $10.80

Forever 21 - $7.80 [in Black & Pale Pink]

Forever 21 - $9.80

Forever 21 - $10.80

Below I have created basic blazer & bottoms that can be paired with these corset tops. I also added in a few jewelry pieces, shoes & other accessories. No look is ever complete without a touch of pink lipstick - muah!


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