
The Duke of Welly-ington.

Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day.
We've all sang this song one day or another, however lately we've replaced 'rain' with 'snow'. We can't always be house bound on those rainy & snowy days, so when you brave the storm to go to work, run errands or even for a simple shopping trip - do it Hunter style.

The Hunter name has been in existence in Britain since the 1800's. During WW-II Hunter saw its peak by creating sturdy rubber boots suitable for soldiers at battle in the gritty flood ridden trenches. By the end of the War, the rubber boot became a popular everyday shoe among British male & female factory workers.
During the 80's Hunter sparked a fashion ignition after Lady Diana Spencer - later Princess Diana - donned a pair of forest green Hunter Originals her engagement photos.  Since then Hunter has expanded its Wellie from the rainy stone cobbled streets of England to the paved city streets of New York.

 Hunter has again become popular but this time among fashionistas & hipsters alike with its addition of boots in various colors & textures. The Hunter rain boot combines three words [normally seen as unfashionable & undesirable] - endurance, water resistance, & durability and turns them a piece of rubbery goodness.


Get into Hunter

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